Classes/Workshops for the Year II
These are the readings for 2024-2025
Julia Matthews, M.D., Ph.D. (Faculty, BPSI)
Rabstejnek, C.V. (2015). History and Evolution of the Unconscious Before and After Sigmund Freud.>
Westen, D. (1997). The Scientific Status of Unconscious Processes: Is Freud Really Dead. J Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 47(4):1061-1106.
Greenberg, S.I. (1982). Fin-De-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture by Carl E. Schorske. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1980. Amer. J Psychoanalysis, 42:364-365. Optional
Mark F. Poster, M.D. (Faculty, PPSNE)
Cabre, L.J.M. (2023). The Freud-Ferenczi Dialogue after the Formulation of the Second Topic. Amer. J Psychoanalysis, 82:222-233.
10/22/2024–Anna Freud/Melanie Klein
Regina Koziyevskaya, M.D. (Faculty, PPSNE)
Segal, H. (1989). Controversial Discussion. Klein London: Karnac Books, pp. 91-111.
Mitchell, A.S. and Black, M.(1995). Anna Freud: The building block of defense theory. Freud and Beyond. Basic Books, pp. 25-34.
______ (1995). Anna Freud: Melanie Klein and contemporary Kleinian theory. Freud and Beyond. Basic Books, pp. 85-102.
11/5/2024–Donald Winnicott: Major Object Relations Contributor
Peter Lawner, Ph.D. (Guest Faculty, PPSNE)
Lawner, P. (2023). D.W. Winnicott’s Debt to and Divergence from Melanie Klein: A Psychoanalytic Genealogy. American Imago, 80(2):219-245.
______ (2023). D.W. Winnicott’s Debt to and Divergence from Melanie Klein: A Psychoanalytic Genealogy. American Imago, 80(3):475-497.
11/19/2024–Harry Stack Sullivan
Carlton Cornett, MSW (Guest Faculty, PPSNE)
Cornett, C. (2023). Interpersonal terms and concepts. Unpublished.
______ (2024). Problems in living: A theory of human interpersonal dysfunction. Unpublished.
Cortina, M. (2020). Harry Stack Sullivan and interpersonal theory: a flawed genius. Psychiatry, 83:103-109. DOI:
Havens, L. (1979). Harry Stack Sullivan’s contribution to clinical method. McLean Hospital Journal, winter, 20-32.
12/3/2024–Self Psychology
Rafael Ornstein, M.D. (Faculty, BPSI)
Halpern, J. and Ornstein, S. (2017). Self-Experience within Intersubjectivity: Two clinicians’ use of self psychology. In: Introduction to Contemporary Psychoanalysis. M. Charles (ed.), Chapt. 8.
Fosshage, J.L. (2021). How Does Contemporary Psychoanalysis Work? The Two Analyses of Dr. R.F. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 41:345-350.
Kohut, H. and Wolff, E. (1978). The Disorders of the Self and their Treatment: An Outline. Internat’l J Psychoanalysis, 59:413-425.
Magid, B., Fosshage, J. & Shane, E. (2021). The Emerging Paradigm of Relational Self Psychology: An Historical Perspective. Psychoanalysis, Self and Context, 16:1-23.
Gardner, J. (2024). Forms and transformations of empathy: Subtleties and complexities of empathic communication. Psychoanalysis, Self and Context, 19(1):80-93.
Hagman, G. (2023). Destruction, survival and the use of the clinician: Preserving opportunities for selfobject exercise in work with challenging patients. Psychoanalysis, Self and Context, 18(1):14-25.
1/7/2025–Bion/Field Theory
Deborah Shilkoff, LICSW (Faculty, PPSNE)
Ferro, A. (2005). Bion. Internat’l J Psychoanal., 86(6):1535-1542.
Levine, H.B. (2022). The Logic of the Field. In: The Post-Bionian Field Theory of Antonino Ferro. The Rutledge Wildred R. Bion Studies Book Series, Chap. 2
Bionm W.R. (1959). Attacks on Linking. Internat’l J Psychoanal., 40:308-315.
Civitarese, G. (2019). On Bion’s Concepts of Negative Capability and Faith. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 88(4):751-783.
Hans Agrawal, M.D. (Guest Faculty, PPSNE)
Kirshner, L.A. (20024). Having a Live: Self-Pathology after Lacan. The Analytic Press, Chap. 2.
Fink, B. (1997). A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Chap. 6.
Darlene Ehrenberg, Ph.D. (Guest Faculty, PPSNE)
Mark F. Poster, M.D. (Faculty, PPSNE)
Ehrenberg, D. (2006). The Interpersonal/Relational Interface: History, Context, and Personal Reflections. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 42(4):535-550.
Vince Pignatiello, Psy.D. (Guest Faculty, PPSNE)
Solms, M. (2019). A Neuropsychoanalytic Perspective. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 39:607-624.
Kessler, L. and Kessler, R.J. (2019). Neuropsychoanalytic Explorations: Linking Practice, Theory, and Research. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 39:582-595.
Laurie Raymond, M.D., (Faculty, PPSNE) and E. Catherine Loula, M.D. (Faculty, PPSNE)
Saketopoulou, A. (2014). Mourning the Body as Bedrock: Developmental Considerations in Treating Transsexual Patients Analytically. J Amer. Psychoanalytic Assn., 61(5):773-806.
Samy, M. (2024). Tran in April: The Analysis of a Transgender Adolescent with Notes on the Metapsychology of Gender Transition. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 93(2):273-319.
Saketopoulou, A.& Pellegrini, A. (2023). “A Feminine Boy: Trauma as a Resource for Self-Theorization. Gender Without Identity, The Unconscious in Translation. New York. Optional