Past workshops open to PINE members and/or to the public
- The Writer’s Workshop: for psychotherapists who are writing certification reports, articles, or any other form of creating writing. Contact Dr. Regina Koziyevskaya:
- “On Reading Roth.” Instructors: Ira Lable, M.D. and Susan Rosbrow-Reich, Ph.D. Contact Donna Mathias, M.D. ( or PINE office (
- “Soma as Canvas: Psychoanalytic Understanding of Uses and Misuses of the Body.” Instructor: Deborah Shilkoff, LICSW Contact Donna Mathias, M.D. or PINE office
- The Writer’s Workshop
- The Writer’s Workshop
- “The Haunted Mind in Hawthorne’s Romances” — David Diamond, M.D., Instructor
- “Evolving Notions of Transference and Countertransference: From the Classical to the Contemporary” — Mark Steinberg, Ph.D., Instructor
- “Six Core Winnicottian Principles” — Peter Lawner, Ph.D.
- “Images in Treatment: Verbal ‘Painting’ and its Value” — Frances Lang, LICSW and Laurie Raymond, M.D., Instructors