It is a rare privilege to be able to hear clinical presentations by thoughtful clinicians. Cathy Loula, M.D. and Laurie Raymond, M.D. wanted to devote the 2023-2024 academic year of PPSNE Discussion Group to Clinical Presentations by Zoom, which we had done previously in members’ homes before COVID. We are very grateful to the following group of clinicians, who have generously offered to present their work on the third Wednesday of every month from 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. September to May by Zoom only. Cathy Loula will be the facilitator of the discussions:
Dates Presenter
9/20/2023 Hui Wang, M.A.
10/18/2023 Sally Rubin (professional videographer, daughter of Carol Rubin, Ph.D.) to show her animated video re: gender identity
11/15/2023 Lucinda Di Domenico, M.D.
12/20/2023 Dorothy Yep, M.A., MSW, LICSW
1/17/2024 Vince Pignatiello, Psy.D.
2/21/2024 Hans R. Agrawal, M.D.
3/20/2024 E. Cathy Loula, M.D.
4/17/2024 Rafael D. Ornstein, M.D.
5/15/2024 Ayelet Barkai, M.D.
9/18/2024 Alan Dupont, LICSW
10/16/2024 Laura Captari, Ph.D.
11/20/2024 Deborah Shilkoff, LICSW
12/18/2024 Neal S. Kass, M.D.
1/15/2025 Peter Lawner, Ph.D., ABPP
2/19/2025 Jenice A. Ely, Ph.D.
3/19/2025 Neal S. Kass, M.D.
4/16/2025 Bliss I. Rand, M.D., MA, English Literature
5/21/2025 Paola M. Contreras, Psy.D.
The following were readings from the PINE, now PPSNE, Discussion Group for the years 2021-2022, 2022-2023.
The discussion group consisted of PINE (now PPSNE) members and was facilitated by Cathy Loula, M.D. We chose for the last two years to invite members and outside guests to present topics of their interests, a paper of theirs in progress, or lead discussions of particular papers on race and the social unconscious, sexual development, field theory, Winnicott, and others, with a focus on their clinical applications.
Residue, a movie
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson
Anti-Racist Epidemiology, by Jake Miller, in Harvard Medical School News & Research
White Rage, by Carol Anderson
Race in Supervision, by Cathy Schen and Alecia Greenlee
Letter from a Region of My Mind, by James Baldwin
Racial Enactments in Dynamic Treatment, by Kimberlyn Leary
Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Minor Feelings, by Cathy Park Hong
The Experience of the Skin in Early Object-Relations, by Esther Bick
The Notion of a Skin Ego, by Didier Anzieu
“Misunderstanding Men: Porn, Strip Clubs, Hookups, and Tortured Search for Closeness”, by Joshua Ehrlich–a meeting with the author
Transformations in Dreaming and Characters in the Psychoanalytic Field, by Ferro–discussion led by Michael Dvorkin
D.W. Winnicott’s Debt to and Divergence from Melanie Klein: A Psychoanalytic Genealogy, by Peter Lawner who led the discussion
The Right to Sex, by Amia Srinivasan
A Genuinely Developmental Theory of Sexual Enjoyment, by Peter Fonagy
The Sessions, a movie
Race as an Adaptive Challenge, by Kimberlyn Leary
The Secret Society: Perspectives from a Multiracial Cohort, by Chanda Griffin, Rossanna Eschegoyen, and Julie Hyman
In the Fertile Minefield: Challenges and Opportunities with Facilitating Self-development and Growth in the Intercultural and Interracial Clinical Treatment Dyad, by Phuongloan Vo
Can we Decolonize Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice, by Usha Tummala-Narra
The Whiteness Taboo: Interrogating Whiteness in Psychoanalysis, by Molly Merson
The Work Before Us: Whiteness and the Psychoanalytic Institute, by Alexandra Woods
A Letter of Love: And the Return of the White Backlash”, by George Yancy (“Dear White America,” NYT 12/24/2015 and video from Hamilton College Digital Commons 3/17/2019)
“Who’s Afraid of Black History, by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (In NYT 2/17/2023)
James Baldwin/William Buckley Debate at the Cambridge Union, UL 1965 (on Youtube)
White Supremacy and Me, by Layla Saad
Black Skin White Masks, by Frantz Fanon, Chapter 5, “The Lived Experience of the Black Man”
The Souls of Black Folk, by W.E.B. DuBois, Chapter 2: “Of the Dawn of Freedom,” Chapter 9: “Of the Sons of Master and Man,” Chapter 14: “The Sorrow Songs”
Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil, W.E.B DuBois, Chapter 2: “The Souls of White Folk”