To create a member account, click on “Member SignUp” at the top of the sidebar on the right side of this page.
Complete all four fields, including user name (your choice), and complete the challenge at the bottom of the page (recognition of numbers/letters – not case-sensitive). Click the “SUBMIT FORM” at the bottom on the page. This will create your account. You will receive a confirmation email with your chosen username and a link to set a password. You will only be able to access the Members Only Area after the web administrator, Alice, has approved you as a member.
You can enter all the basic information about your practice at the time you create the account or come back later at any time, using your user id and password to sign in. Just go to “account” at the top of the page, and choose “edit” to enter or change your information.
Full members, reciprocal and adjunct members who are graduate analysts will also be listed on the “Find a Psychoanalyst/Therapist” page and will have a personal page visible to the public.
Once you have an account, you can change your password or email address at any time.
To change your password
** If you are logged in –
- click on “Member Login” located under the “PINE Members” tab on the tan Navigation Bar, or at the top of the sidebar on the right side of this page
- scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter your new password (twice)
- click on the “Save All Changes” button
** If you are not logged in and/or do not recall the password –
- click on “Members Login” located under the “PINE Members” tab on the tan Navigation Bar, or at the top of the sidebar on the right side of this page
- click on “forgot password?”
- enter your email address (it must be the one that was initially “authenticated”), or your user id
- check your email for a confirmation link to reset your password
- click on the confirmation link in the email to reset your password
- you can accept the password or change it to a password of your choosing
- click the “reset password” button