For the first year Fellowship Program, these are the readings for 2024-2025.
Fall Semester 2024
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy/An Introduction
Bliss Rand, M.D. (Faculty, PPSNE) and Mark F. Poster, M.D. (Faculty, PPSNE)
(Optional) Sigmund Freud, Standard Edition (on PEP web). “The Nature of the Psychical in Some Elementary Lessons in Psychoanalysis, 1940, pp.282-286.
Sripada, B. (2015). Toward a Reappraisal of the Relationship between Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychotherapy. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 43(3):396-422.
Stern, D.B. (2019). How I Work with Unconscious Process: A Case Example. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 55(4):336-348.
Arlow, J. (1995). Stilted Listening: Psychoanalysis as Discourse. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 64:215-233.
Lothane, Z. (2010). The analysand and analyst team practicing reciprocal free association: Defenders and Deniers. Internat’l Forum of Psychoanalysis, 19:155-164.
Ogden, T. (1992). Comments on Transference and Countertransference in the Initial Analytic Meeting. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 12:255-247.
Bass, A. (2007). When the Frame Doesn’t Fit the Picture. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 17:1-27.
Dajani, K. (2017). The Ego’s Habitus: An Examination of the Role Culture Plays in Structuring the Ego. Internat’l J Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, 14(4):273-281.
Grand, S. (2014). Skin Memories: On race, love, and loss. Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Society, 19(3):232-249.
Greenberg, J. (2015). Therapeutic Action and the Analyst’s Responsibility. J Amer. Psychoanalytic Assn., 63(1):15-32.
Poster, M. (2019). Review of “Common Factors,” Personal Reflections, and Introduction of the Shaving Brush Model of Integrated Psychotherapies.J Psychiatric Practice, 25(5):374-378.
Approaches to Formulation
Malcolm Beaudett, M.D. (Faculty, PPSNE) and Hui Wang, (Guest Faculty, PPSNE)
McWilliams, N. (1999). Psychoanalytic Case Formulation. In: The Relationship between Case Formulation and Psychotherapy. Guilford Press, Chapt. 1.
Video: Warren Poland on “The Analyst’s Witnessing and Otherness”
Ogden, T. (2018). How I Talk with My Patients. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 87:399-413.
Video: Judy Kantrowitz on “The External Observer and the Patient-Analyst Match”
Abbasi A. (2021). A Very Dangerous Conversation: The Patient’s Internal Conflicts Elaborated Through the Use of Ethic and Religious Differences between Analyst and Patient. Internat’l J Psychoanalysis, 93:515-534.
Video: Irma Brenman Pick on “Working Through in the Countertransference”
Suchet, M. (2007). Unraveling Whiteness. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 17:867-886.
Video: Salman Akhtar on “A Third Individuation: Immigration, Identity, and the Psychoanalytic Process”
Darlene Ehrenberg (Guest Faculty, PPSNE)
1/16/2025–Ethical Practice
Meg Pillig, Psy.D. (Guest Faculty, PPSNE)
Ackerman, S. (2020). Impossible Ethics. J Amer. Psychoanalytic Assn., 68(6):561-582.
Kite, J. (2016). The fundamental ethical ambiguity of the analyst as a person. J Amer. Psychoanalytic Assn., 64(6):1153-1171.
Transference/Countertransference and the Therapeutic Relationship
Donna Mathias, M.D. (Faculty, PPSNE) and Vince Pignatiello, Psy.D. (Guest Faculty, PPSNE)
Freud, S. (1915). Some Observations on Transference Love. SE 12:157-171.
Freud, S. (1911-1913). Remembering, Repeating and Working Through. SE XVII:145-156.
Joseph, B. (1983). On Understanding and not Understanding Some Technical Issues. Int. J Psychoanalysis, 64:291-298.
Racker, H. (1968). The Meanings and Use of Countertransference. Int. J. Psychoanalysis Library, 73:127-173.
Winnicott, D. (1969). The Use of an Object. Internat’l. J. Psychoanal., 50:711-718.
Hirsh, I. (1066). Observing-Participation, Mutual Enactment and New Classic ART. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 32:359-383.
Gabbard, G. (1991). Technical Approaches to Transference Hate in the Analysis of Borderline Patients. Internat’l. J. Psychoanalysis, 72:625-636.
Loewald, H. (1991). Transference-Countertransference. J Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 34:275-287.
Levenson, E.A. (1996). Aspects of Self-Revelation and Self Disclosure. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 32:237-248.
Holmes, D. (2016). Culturally Imposed Trauma: The Sleeping Dog Has Awakened. Will Psychoanalysis Take Heed? Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 26:641-654.
A Developmental Approach to Clinical Work
Carol Rubin, Ph.D. (Faculty, PPSNE) and Cathy Loula (Faculty, PPSNE)
Bollas, C. (1979). The Transformational Object. Internat’l J Psychoanalysis, 60:97-107.
Holmes, J. and Slade, A. (2018). Attachment in Therapeutic Practice. SAGE publications, Chpts. 3,4,5
Fonagy, P. (2000). Attachment and borderline personality disorder. J Amer. Psychoanalytic Assn., 48:1129-1146.
Lyons-Ruth, K. (2006). The Interface between Attachment and Intersubjectivity: Perspective from the Longitudinal Study of Disorganized Attachment. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 26(4):595-618.
Shabad, P. (1993). Repetition and incomplete mourning, the intergenerational transmission of traumatic themes. Psychoanal. Psychol., 10(1):61-75.
Loewald, H. (1979). The waning of the oedipus complex. J Amer Psychoanal. Assn., 48(4):1129-1146 (optional)
Slochower, J. (2014). Holding as metaphor: The Winnicottian model. In: Holding and Psychoanalysis. New York: Routledge
Winnicott, D.W. (1960). The theory of the parent-child relationship. Internat’l J Psychoanalysis, 41:585-595.